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Carry out Great Exploits.'World War 3 is at Hand' 

Writer's picture: pastorolitapastorolita


Carry out Great Exploits.'World War 3 is at Hand' 

Carry out Great Exploits.

   'World War 3 is at Hand'

    Iran looks helpless at this moment. It is surrounded by the invincible US Carrier fleets and also UK warships. Is the US preventing China from helping Iran by surrounding China with 5 US Carrier fleets?

 If so, then the attack of Iran by Israel and the West is imminent. 

Removal of Tares

    As soon as World War 3 begins, the tares (depraved and heretic Religious Christian leaders, hypocrites and the unrepented) will be killed either in the numerous wars or natural disasters. There is no place for the tares to hide from Holy God's judgment.

*those who know their Living God shall be strong*

Dan 11:32 “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”_

   Citizens of the Kingdom or  Christians who know their Living God is strong in their faith that Holy God had promised them that in the end-time, they will carry out great exploits (numerous, unbelievable and unimaginable great miracles).

   They believe that He is the Almighty God and the Creator of heaven and earth.Nothing is impossible to Him for

1.  He can provide them with food, light, water, electricity and gas to our homes during World War 3 when the towns and cities are cut off and in complete darkness.

2.  He can give them full  protection during WW3

Psalm 91:9-11  Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

3. He can anoint them to perform miracles after miracles

John 14:12  “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."_

    Our Lord Jesus promised us that if we have faith in Him, He will help us to do greater works than what He had done.

a) Lord Jesus Walk on Water

    Our Lord defiled nature by walking on water. During WW3 though there will be no water and electricity in the whole area. I believe that our Lord will answer our prayers by miraculously providing water, gas and electricity.

b) Feeding the Thousands

    Brethren, I believe that our Lord will keep filling up our empty food containers/fridges with food to feed and nourish all those victims needing help.

c) Lord Jesus Healing the Sick

   I believe that our Lord will anoint us with the gifts of the Power of the Holy Spirit so that

1. the gift of tongues will lead foreigners/immigrants to the Lord

2. the gift of the word of wisdom - to comfort them and guide them to salvation.

3. the gift of the word of knowledge - teaching His words and truth

4. the gift of faith - performing miracles,

5. gift of healing

d) Lord  Jesus had Compassion

    When we see Most High God's mercy and love for those pitiful souls, the joy of the Lord will strengthen our faith and encourage us to give our last ounce of strength to serve and care for them with the love He had loved us.

Brethren, within days, majority of those, who have witnessed the miracles of The Almighty God in preserving them through WW3 and our love and concern for their welfare, will believe and accept our Lord Jesus.  

Thereafter, we must disciple them to abide in His word and prepare them to disciple other new converts so that all of them will be able to overcome the deceptions of the Antichrist during the Great Tribulations before Rapture.

Before World War 3, brethren, our Lord has given us the free choice, of either

1. serve Him as His faithful servants in carrying out great exploits by our repentance from idolatry, covetousness, carnality,  homosexuality and destructive heresies,


2. killed in World War 3 as hypocrites, heretics, homosexuals, wolves in sheepskin, agents of the devil, false christs and enemies of God and then cast into Hades.

The days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is" (Ephesians 5:17)

I hope to read from you very soon with positive response.

With regards

 Pastor Stephen Olita,Grace Kingdom ministry INTL,Kenya Head office

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