
The Kingdom Message, Sermon Or Passage,Death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
'World War 3 is at Hand'

According to the Iranian Leadership, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the present king of the North and not President Ebrahim Raisi who was only one of Ayatollah's leaders. His death in recently in helicopter crash will not affect any regime change.Excerpt from Iranian Mahdi.
'World War 3 is at Hand'
Iranian Supreme Leader

The present king of the North is the 84 year old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He is Iran's spiritual leader and highest authority - he has the final say over all government matters in the country.
Dan 11:30 For ships from Chittim (West led by US) shall come against him; therefore he (king of the North) shall be grieved
Without the Mahdi, the Iranian arsenal were completely nullified and destroyed by the powerful US carrier fleets (seen in . The Iranians were powerless to face the onslaught of the enemies, so the only thing left is for them to pray for the Mahdi's appearance.
US will then take this opportunity to annihilate this 'axis of evil' by completely destroying all Iran's nuclear and military sites.
It grieves Ayatollah and his imam leadership of their fate in having to witness the innocent Iranian civilians bombed and killed by the Southern Alliance's missiles, bombs and artilleries and their country in complete ruin.
To further US' objective of regime change, Ayatollah Ali and the Iran's leadership will be hunted down.
Beginning of World War 3
Excerpt from Judgement of Jerusalem
World War 3 is at Hand
Dan 11:40 “At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through."
After Iran is annihilated by Israel (king of the South) together with their Western ally, led by the invincible US Carrier fleets, one by one its leadership will be hunted down and killed.
After the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali who is the king of the North is killed, the new king of the North, their long awaited Mahdi, who is also Satan incarnate (Antichrist), will resurrect as the 12th Imam.
Immediately he will call Jihad against Kingdom Citizens (Christians) and all the Western nations. The other rebellions and sabotages of the jihadists and sympathisers on board combined with his satanic power will completely destroy the mighty US Carrier fleets.
Having incapacitated the US fleets; the Antichrist, the weakened Iranian military and the huge powerful Jihadist armies with their advanced arsenals from the neighbouring Islamic nations will destroy all the neighbouring US military bases.
The days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is" (Ephesians 5:17)
I hope to read from you very soon with positive response.
With regards
Pastor Stephen Olita,Grace Kingdom ministry INTL,Kenya Head office
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