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Inside Trump’s $100 Million NYC Penthouse: What Does His Coat of Arms Signify? Is He a Christian?

Writer's picture: pastorolitapastorolita

Inside Trump’s $100 Million NYC Penthouse: What Does His Coat of Arms Signify? Is He a Christian?

Date: January 12, 2022

Author: The Light In The Dark Place

Editor’s Note: This article is politically nonbias; it is not for or against Donald Trump. We are not talking about politics here, this is about the spiritual truth regarding Trump that was revealed via. the Holy Spirit to end-time prophet Jonathan Kleck.








No professed “Christian” would ever think about plastering their 66th-floor penthouse suite with images of Apollyon – would they?

Here is a sneak preview of Donald Trump’s luxurious $100 million NYC residence. Look at the expansive mural on the ceiling depicting Apollo (Apollyon, Satan) crossing the heavens.

“A crystal chandelier lights up its beauty as it is planted on the tableau ceiling above. It shows a scene of Greek – or Roman – gods and seems likely to be Apollo again, who is often portrayed crossing the heavens in his chariot.

Art of the deal-maker: Classical art dominates here with a bronze of Eros and Psyche, one of the great love Greek love stories, and Apollo led by Aurora – the Greek goddess of the dawn, suggesting Trump sees himself the mold of Apollo, Zeus’s son, and one of the most powerful of the gods.” – Inside Donald Trump’s $100 million penthouse, Daily Mail UK

Notice all the paintings and references to Apollo/Apollyon?

Question: What does the Bible say about Apollyon?

Answer: Revelation 9:11 “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” (KJV Holy Bible)

In the Bible, Apollyon is the Greek name of a destroyer (that is, Satan).

Remember this Serta mattress commercial from 2010 with Donald Trump and the 9/11 sheep? Now it makes perfect sense.

FEATURED VIDEO: Trump,Apollo, The Queen of Heaven..It is Finished!!

Backup Video Links:

True followers of Christ do not have $100 million-dollar golden encrusted NYC penthouse suites with murals exalting Apollyon (the destroyer, Satan) on their ceilings!

Trump also proudly displays a statue of Eros & Psyche on his table, it’s very significant. Read more about it here: The Truth Behind Cupid / Eros and Psyche / Fallen Angels and the Kiss of Death.

At a glance, anyone can see this penthouse suite is decked with the spoils of all the vanity this world can offer.

Taking a closer look, we see all the hidden occult symbolism, including: ‘as above so below’ mirrors, twin pillars, Apollo paintings, and plenty of graven deities.

This penthouse is a reflection of what possesses Donald in his day-to-day actions of life: mammon.

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon G3126 (figuratively wealth, personified).“ – Matthew 6:24 (KJV Holy Bible)


Trump displays his Coat of Arms quite often, you already have seen it embroidered on the pillows in the images above. Let’s have a closer look at it.

Everyone who wants to understand who Trump really is needs to see this!

An in-depth look at Trump’s Coat of Arms as well as his new Scottish Coat of Arms is featured in this presentation. What it signifies will blow your mind – this is a jaw-dropping revelation!

FEATURED VIDEO: NY WILL be Destroyed / 59 / Rich Oppressor

FEATURED VIDEO: Trump & The Queen of Heaven / 1 in a gazillion

This is the Queen of Heaven, as revealed on the Vatican Coat of Arms. See the face of the Queen? Here she is…with her headdress:

This graven image statue portrays the Coat of Arms of the Vatican Popes, it is known as the Papal Regalia. Look at it side by side with Trump’s Coat of Arms.

See how they both make the Queen of Heaven, wearing her headdress?!? WOW! (Watch the featured video that goes over it in detail).

It’s the same spirit that is running them, it is the Queen of Heaven, the opposition of The KING OF KINGS & LORD OF LORDS: The Lord Jesus Christ.


Why does Trump pay homage to the Scottish Rite Freemason occult?

Trump battled in court for 4 years to create an additional Coat of Arms, Trump’s Scottish European Coat of Arms, that prominently displays the Freemason double-headed phoenix!

The Freemason double-headed phoenix is the most prominent logo for the occult.

The Freemason double-headed phoenix on Trump’s Scottish European Coat of Arms is the same as displayed on the occult book ‘Morals and Dogma‘ written by well-known Luciferian Albert Pike!

Albert Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859. It just so happens, Trump’s Scottish Coat of Arms features the same double-headed phoenix.

It’s quite clearly established in the occult literature above that those studying these rituals and practices of Freemasons are Luciferians.

Freemasonry is the prime secret society that operates the shadow government – though, any member of the occult will never tell you this. They are the hidden hand behind the Luciferian agenda.

Why do you think Trump flashes the occult’s 666 hand sign so excessively?

Although they think they are in complete control, ultimately, Satan is in complete control of them and all of the ‘order out of chaos’ they perpetrate on innocent civilians.

What is the goal of the Luciferian agenda? A New World Order.


Just as his Coat of Arms displays, Trump is being used as the tip of the spear to push through Satan’s New World Order.

FEATURED VIDEO: Trump the Tip of the Spear

Description: Shadow Government Triggers World War 3 To Cover Up The Truth – The Deep State is here to stay, they just showed what they are willing to do to foment World War- use chemical weapons and then blame it on their chosen ‘boogeyman’ of the hour. Just like 9/11, and countless other false flag attacks, they murder people and illegally overthrow governments to accomplish their goals: a One World Government that ultimately conquers and enslaves the entire population of Earth, while demanding an implant of some kind in the heads or hands of everyone (most likely a microchip to attain a false eternal life).

FEATURED VIDEO: AWESOME Deep State Follow-up Vid by Clay / FaithfulBerean

Description: I hope you enjoy the video, it is about the blatant social engineering being thrown in our faces by Showtime’s Homeland & Fox’s The New X-Files. It is all about the Trump Vs. Deep State event we are living through now.

“And it (the Antichrist’s world government) causes all the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the servants, that it should give them a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” REVELATION 13:16

CIA timeline of overthrown governments (USA is happening now) – (Video description AWESOME Deep State Follow-up Vid by Clay / FaithfulBerean).


In his New York Military Academy graduation photo Donald Trump is aligned, front and center, as the ‘tip of the spear’. What exactly is meant by the ‘tip of the spear’?

“Military tacticians and historians often make use of the term ‘tip of the spear’. It refers to a combat force that is used to puncture the enemy’s initial lines of defense, to be quickly followed by concentrated forces which destroy any remaining threat.” – Business Insider ‘Tip of the spear’

The infamous Trump Tower is even designed in a large-scale version of a spear tip, with an elaborate landscape of 6 x 6 green bushes comprising the tip of the spear (pointing downward).

Trump proudly features the penetrating spear tip on his family’s Coat of Arms and made the hand gesture numerous times upon winning the presidential election.

What does the ‘tip of the spear’ signify in end-time prophecy?


Upon compiling this presentation, which discloses the most critical end-time prophecy data regarding the future of America, there was a series of supernatural confirmations given to Jonathan Kleck that affirm the message in an inarguable way. Here are the confirmation videos:

FEATURED VIDEO: Tip of the Spear Confirmation and getting started video

FEATURED VIDEO: Supernatural Tip Of The Spear Confirmation AGAIN


These connections between JFK and Donald Trump are quite remarkable!

FEATURED VIDEO: Trump/Fitzgerald/spear of God

Description: This is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many broadcasters and news outlets have likened Donald Trump to John F. Kennedy, and keep warning of the risk of him being assassinated.

Here are some amazing connections between Trump and JFK that were revealed to Jonathan Kleck by guidance from the Holy Spirit.

JFK’s middle name is Fitzgerald. The name meaning of Fitzgerald is “son of the spear-ruler”.

The route that JFK was traveling on when he was assassinated was Elm Street, which is designed in the shape of a spear tip.

Elm is often associated with Mother and Earth Goddesses. Elm Street looks like a triangle spear tip.

Trump’s Coat of Arms has the Queen of Heaven (Mother Goddess) embedded in it, and also has a fist punching a spear right through a triangle on it!

WOW! How fascinating! Trump’s Coat of Arms features a spear-ruler punching through a triangle and JFK, Fitzgerald, means “son of the spear-ruler” and he was assassinated on a triangle spear tip Elm Street route…! That’s just super bizarre!

Will Donald Trump be assassinated like JFK? (or maybe fake assassinated to incite a civil war)…? We hope not, but these supernatural connections to JFK are quite stunning. God only knows.

FEATURED VIDEO: Trump – Tip of The Spear – Nuclear Fire & Fury


The spiritual revelations given to Jonathan Kleck contain hard evidence about Trump that proves the Mother Goddess spirit is using him as the ‘tip of the spear’ to push forward Satan’s New World Order.

Trump’s Coat of Arms exposes his Freemason occult ties. Throughout history, we see how Satan spiritually uses the occult’s ‘order out of chaos’ to control two sides of the narrative to divide and conqueror the masses and bring about the New World Order.

We see it unfolding now. There is no ‘Make America Great Again’ – this nation is slated to be given over to the beast and The Antichrist (Barack Obama) is going to have his reign on earth – who do you think is behind this pathetic Joe Biden clown show?

We are living in the end times and everyone needs to wake up. Realize that Trump can’t save your soul; start putting your faith in God, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear Members or Friends, True Disciples or Leaders and Rulers Lord Jesus' first disciples included His apostles. But they were not the last disciples, for He trained them to train others. "Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus our King did not say, "Make believers." A person may have some sort of belief, but never become a disciple. Our King Jesus does not say, "Make worshipers." People may give prayers and offerings without being disciples. All disciples believe and worship, but not all 'believers' and 'worshipers' are disciples. Our savior and King Jesus commands, "Make disciples." That term, as commonly used at that time, means, "Train learners who are committed to following their Teacher's instruction and example." Lord and our healer Jesus reinforces the meaning of continuing learning by saying, "...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Some refer to Matthew 28:20 as the second half of the Great Commission. It may be more difficult to fulfill, but it is essential for spiritual health as you "grow up in your salvation." Hearing and obeying Christ our Lord and Savior, these are like air to the disciple. To stop breathing that air is to cease being a disciple. INTRODUCTION AND TESTIMONY Grace Kingdom Ministry international(G.K.M.I) was birthed in 2011 December in Buru Buru Phase 5 ,Nairobi,Kenya when the founder or Visionary Pastor Stephen Olita met the Lord Jesus Christ and gave him a vision of the Kingdom of God, to preach the Kingdom of God to all Nations Mathew 24:14 and to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ as we to raise leaders in Africa starting with Kenya, Africa and the Whole world. Acts 28:31, Philippians 4:13. Grace kingdom ministry international is a Church, Leadership and Humanitarian organization with it headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya in Kiambiu Slum in Buru Buru phase one on outering road. We are mandated to address both spiritual, mental or emotional and physical needs for the oppressed people in our society including Widows, Orphans and disables, James 1:26-27.We have seen and we are still seeing all kinds of crimes, Sexual abuse, murder,prostitution,adultery,rape,gang warfare Galatians 5:16-26 in our streets taking toll on our people especially targeting our young People with drugs and drug dealers are influencing our youth or our young People. Now is our responsibility as a Church to invest all our efforts into Sports, Business, Arts,Films and Music, Talents, Skills and gifts search and to bring our young People out of crime in our streets to our Lord Jesus Christ and to know Him better through these activities so they can discover their Purpose, Passion, Potential and their destiny which is a hope and a future. OUR VISION-Transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agent of change (Raising Leaders and Rulers, shaping vision, influencing society and culture through Christ).Philippians 4:13 OUR MISSION-Preaching the kingdom of God, Teaching about Lord Jesus Christ and saving the lost at any cost. Mathew 24:14 Our Church as Leadership organization is mandated to train and raise over 3 Billions disciples or Leaders in Nairobi, Kenya ,the whole Africa and the whole world between now 2018 to 2035 and beyond. These trained Leaders will in return train others Disciples close to over 3 Billion and these circles of Multiplication goes on and on by grace and will or mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ as we preach the kingdom of God and teaching about Lord Jesus Christ as we follow His instruction to fulfill the great commission in Mathew 28:18-20.This is the main core of our vision and mission of our organization and we are looking for resources to fulfill this goal and plan from our Partners and well wishers around the World including you and others. SUBJECT:KENYA,AFRICA and The WHOLE WORLD are IN NEED OF YOU.Take action now.Don't watch things happening.make a difference. WE Grace Kingdom Ministry International(G.K.M.I),WE are trying to plant our over 11 Churches and Orphanages(James 1:26-27) in Kenya,Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,SouthAfrica,Tanzania,DRC Congo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab),Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North) , Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia for the Glory of GOD to fulfill the Great Commission Mandate in MATHEW 28:18-20,Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts 12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13.

Our vision and Mission is focused beyond 2035 if we will be alive by that time but if not we are planning it now for the generation now and the coming new future generation. As per below stated, We have two phases,Phase one is for Kenya to raise over 20 million leaders and Phase Two is the whole of Africa and the whole world to raise over 3 Billion leaders from now to 2035 and beyond. We believe we will fulfill this great commission by reaching out to the whole World or Nations by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as He commanded us to preach in Mathew 24:14 and Mathew 28:18-20 if these resources are met as suggested. We have targeted to raise over USD 7 Million to plants or build the following Churches in Nairobi and the whole Kenya ,Africa and the whole world namely,Eastleigh,South B and C and along Ngong road ,Kibera area,Eastern province in ThikaMakongeni, Nyatta plateau,Machakos,Nakuru,Kitale,Kisii,HomaBay,Migori,Kuria Land,Kisumu,Siaya,Busia, Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,South Africa,Tanzania,DRCCongo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab), Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North),Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA. These Churches will include all the necessary facilities and resources for training Leaders or Disciples with also centers for feeding for the orphans and other vulnerable Children. Our own Radio ,TV station,Books,Publishing Company, Print Media,Universities, Holy Bible Colleges and institutes,Banks,Media centers and institutes for music and film making, Hotels resorts and Business buildings. and other systems of influence for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13,Galatians 3:14,26-29. Any support to help us raise the needed funds as mentioned in the above for the planting or building of these Churches in Nairobi ,Kenya,Africa and the Whole world as explained in the above will be will be honored and appreciated for the sake of saving souls for the kingdom of God to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mathew 28:18-20. WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37. The following are our Church Bank details. Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank Swift Code:KCBKENX Bank Code:100 Branch Code:0107 ACCOUNT NUMBER:1253041768. Also you can use Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram addressed to Stephen Olita,+254722761587,,, also do send me the copy of the Bank Slip to enable me access the Money and do the will of GOD.James 1:26-27 New International Version (Niv),Luke 6:38,2 Corinthians 9:5-15. SEE WHAT THE GLORY OR GRACE OF GOD HAS DONE. THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD PARTNER WITH US AND DONATE ANY RESOURCES INCLUDING MONEY. Contact me for more information Pastor Stephen Olita,+254722761587,+254734939308 or email,, With regards Pastor Stephen Olita For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254722761587,+254734939308,, For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or,, For Kingdom of God Preaching’s and Teachings Series in Relationship,Equipping,Attitude and Leadership(R.E.A.L) Ask for them in Series in Books,Tapes,Audios,Videos,DVD’s,CD’sVCD’s,MP3’s,MP4’s and in Flash disks. Please call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or Email us:,,

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