The Kingdom(Government, Country/Nation) Living God Message,Sermon Or Passage Israel-Gaza War

World War 3 is at Hand
While we wait for the fall and destruction of Iran to start World War 3, let's check our own Kingdom (Christian) faith, doctrine and knowledge of Him and His words.

Rebirth of Israel
On 13 July 1878 at the Treaty of Berlin, the only British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli with Hebrew lineage, secured the control of the middle East and Palestine. Immediately, he allowed Jews to buy land in Palestine. This started the call of ‘Aliyah’ back to rebuild Zion, the nation of Israel. Palestine then was mainly desert and wasteland, made desolate by Holy God to give the land its Sabbath with a small population of 300K and only 5K Jews.
Since 1878, when Living God called them to rebirth the nation of Israel, these rebellious Jews rejected His call and only a handful came back. Less than 20K out of 10 millions of Jews in 1900 AD. Most High God caused pogroms in Europe starting from 1880s in Russia. After millions of Jews were massacred by the Nazis in WW2, more Jews began to go back. By 1948 there were only 0.5 million Jews against 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine.
Note: 2 million Jews entered the Promised Land with Joshua, yet Yahweh gave them the Promised Land gradually for fear of the wild animals.
With such a small population of Jews, Yahweh could only give them a small piece of Palestine.
So in 1948, the British gave Israel the wilderness and deserts to form the new nation. Since then, the Arabs tried to drive the Israelites into the sea but The Almighty God gave Israel victories after victories against great odds. In 1967, after the six-day war, Everlasting God finally gave Israel all the Promised Land, which the feet of Joshua to King David had trodden upon, as their eternal inheritance.

Depravity of Israel
1963: Justice Haim Herman Cohn discourages the enforcement of British Mandate-era laws regarding consensual homosexual acts by denouncing the laws as “outdated.”
How is it possible that this learned Jewish judge is completely ignorant of the Mosaic law which clearly states that homosexuality is a sin leading to death.
Lev 20:13 "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."
1988 March 22: The Knesset repeals a British Mandate-era law banning sex between people of the same gender and thereby legalized homosexuality in Israel.
So when the Knesset legalised homosexuality, they have signed their own death sentence just like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Faithless Israel
Though the Jews saw Living God’s deliverance again and again since 1948, and the fulfillment of prophecies that the deserts will become fertile orchards and farmlands.
Yet, in 1993, they were faithless by signing the abominable Israel- PLO Peace Treaty. This Treaty required Israel to immediately cede Jericho (walls tumbled down), Gaza strip (David killed Goliath of Gaza) and the West Bank to its enemies. Giving away these lands showed that the Jews were atheists for they had reduced the Almighty God and the OT to myths.

Great God's Vengeance on Jerusalem
Luke 21:20-22, 24 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near... For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled...And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”
Everlasting God will allow the Gentiles to conquer Israel and Jerusalem as the consequence of His vengeance against their abominable Israel-PLO Peace treaty, Unbelief, legalised homosexuality, fear of US and UN but not the Almighty God.
Only those who repent are obedient to His words will be spared.

Israel will be destroyed in the coming World War 3
At this moment though Israel with US military and carrier fleets support seems invincible against Hamas, Hezbollah and all its enemies, the coming World War 3 will bring Israel to its knees and Jerusalem vanquished by the wrath of Holy God as His vengeance.
The days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is" (Ephesians 5:17)
I hope to read from you very soon with positive response.
With regards
Pastor Prophet Stephen Olita,Grace Kingdom ministry INTL,Kenya Head office
WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37.
For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254718617587,+254734939308 Or email:pastorolita@gmail.com,gracekingdomministry@gmail.com,pastorolita@yahoo.com
