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Satan’s Serpent Race Is Using the Human Race as a Platform to Colonize Its New Species

Writer's picture: pastorolitapastorolita

KINGDOM OF GOD, The Holy and Obedient Family, Satan’s Serpent Race Is Using the Human Race as a Platform to Colonize Its New Species , PART 37

Satan’s Serpent Race Is Using the Human Race as a Platform to Colonize Its New Species

Date: November 5, 2021

Author: The Light In The Dark Place

FEATURED VIDEO: More Prometheus Reality than a brain can Absorb….

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Description: See the Reality of Prometheus…Don’t know what to say except -My Help Comes from the LORD.


It has been put right in front of us all along! This is a spiritual war, and this demonic entity has presented its plans in a variety of forms to mock us as it kills us and also as a way to condition us to assimilate with it.

Here are the pieces of evidence from throughout society that we will be examining further:

1 – Alien Covenant EMBRYOS.

2 – Taylor Swift’s “… Ready For It?” (At the 1:03 mark of the video she morphs into DEMONIC SQUID).

3 – COVID vaccines contain TENTACLES like HYDRA VULGARIS sea creatures.

4 – Avengers: Age of Ultron “scared of CUTTLEFISH!” scene.

5 – Rihanna morphs into a CUTTLEFISH in Valerian movie (then morphs into Ancient Egyptian QUEEN NEFERTITI).

6 – Google Doodle from 10.03.2021 Dr. María de los Ángeles Alvariño González’s 105th Birthday (CUTTLEFISH on hair and DEAD SHEEP).

Connecting these dots you must realize this: there is a shape-shifting spiritual entity (Satan) that is operating through humanity to bring about the destruction of God’s angels through this medium we reside in called the human host body.

Satan created a serpent race in Genesis 3 after the fall and this entity is now building a new species off of the human race as a platform.


Look at the embryos in the movie Alien Covenant:

Now ask yourself: why is this creature with tentacles (that was found in multiple vials of the COVID vaccines) identical looking to the Alien Covenant embryos?

Just like how David colonizes the xenomorph species in humans using these embryos in Alien Covenant, Satan is colonizing a new race of beings here using the human race as a platform!

(See the full breakdown of Alien Covenant here: Decoded: Alien Covenant Reveals Horrific Secret About the Human Race!)


Why does Taylor Swift’s hit music video “… Ready for it” show her changing from a female host body idol to a demonic “squid-like” entity? (Watch from the 1:03 mark of her video here).

What was Taylor Swift telling us to get ready for?!?

(See the full breakdown of Taylor Swift’s music video here: Taylor Swift …Ready For It? – Genesis to Revelation Prophecy)

Taylor Swift changes into a creature that has tentacles, which appear just like this creature with tentacles found inside the COVID vaccine as discovered by Dr. Carrie Madej:

Now all together, look at this collage of xeno embryos from Alien Covenant, the Taylor Swift demonic “squid-like” entity, and the creature with tentacles found in the COVID vaccines:

It’s a scary concept… but it sure looks like this horror movie is reality!


See: Evidence of Hydra Vulgaris Parasites and Nanobiotechnology in Vaxx.

These creatures with tentacles were found inside vials of the COVID vaccines by Dr. Carrie Madej and reported on the Stew Peters Show:

“First, it looked translucent. Then as time went on, over two hours, colors appeared – which I’ve never seen anything like this. There wasn’t a chemical reaction happening. There was a brilliant blue and a royal purple, and a yellow and sometimes green. So these colors appeared and I did not know what that was.” – DR. CARRIE MADEJ FIRST U.S. LAB EXAMINES VACCINE VIALS, HORRIFIC FINDINGS REVEALED.


“Everybody’s afraid of something…

Cuttlefish. Deep-sea fish, they make lights – disco lights. [Flash, flash hand gesture] To hypnotize their prey and then [Whoosh]. I saw a documentary, it was terrifying.” – (Dialogue from Avengers: Age of Ultron scene)

Why would they make a scene in the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie where Klaw states how he is afraid of cuttlefish?!? Isn’t that quite bizarre?


Look at the movie poster Valerian, starring Rihanna. She has an 8-pointed star of lucifer earring right next to her hair that makes a fish hook shape:

The movie poster itself is the letter “V”! (Wow! This is all very telling when you know what’s going on with the two races spiritually at war in the twin V x V system).

In the movie, Rihanna does a striptease where she can morph and appear as anything one desires.

Later in the movie, Rihanna is laying down dying, and she morphs into a cuttlefish sea creature..

..and then she morphs into Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. (How bizarre!)

Look at Queen Nefertiti in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph the LORD God decrypted through Jonathan Kleck:

Queen Nefertiti is a reptile queen! See the full hieroglyph decryption here: Ancient Hieroglyph Solves ‘Riddle of Ages’ – Nephilim, Genesis, Origin of Human Race – Kingdom Divided [Documentary].

Rihanna’s striptease and death in the movie Valerian coincide with the agenda of the serpent race as discovered in the hieroglyph that the LORD God unveiled to Jonathan Kleck.

The serpent race entices God’s angels to commit spiritual adultery by lusting after the flesh host body female bait and fish for their souls to send their energy to the pit!

GOOGLE DOODLE: 10.03.2021 Dr. María de los Ángeles Alvariño González’s 105th Birthday

Why is there a dead sheep and a cuttlefish on the head of Dr. María de los Ángeles Alvariño González in this Google Doodle?!?!

Why was this Google Doodle released around this same time the information leaked about the creature with tentacles found inside the COVID vaccines when analyzed under a microscope by Dr. Carrie Madej!?!?


The biggest secret that the serpent race knows is that anyone that does not awaken out of their system is the source of their energy. Satan’s serpent race knows that if you die without being awakened, your soul goes to the pit where it fuels Satan’s new race of beings: locust-scorpions.

The king of the locust-scorpion is Satan (Apollyon, Abaddon). Satan has been deceiving the whole world:

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” – Revelation 12:9 (KJV Holy Bible)

The serpent controls the flesh; God’s angels got caught in the serpent’s flesh host body system.

This is the end of the world where Satan is given full reign on earth. How do you think Satan rules it? Satan rules it through the host body system, by spiritually possessing host bodies.


What you are reading and seeing is real. Your mind may have a hard time understanding. But remember the Vatican is a serpent, the serpent race is running this world.

The Vatican depicts the methodology whereby Satan would capture God’s angels in a host body system and take over the entire world.

All of this has been so well concealed that it took a revelation gift by the Holy Spirit to uncover it in these end times. The Lord Jesus Christ has revealed to Jonathan Kleck the utmost truth of what is going on in the world we live in.

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” – Luke 12:2 (KJV Holy Bible)


Many people are saying that the COVID vaccine is the mark of the beast – that is incorrect. The COVID vaccine is not the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast is the palisade “hypodermic needle” and stake “microchip” – the RFID microchip implant used to buy, sell, and trade. See the extensive documentation here: The Mark of the Beast & COVID Vaxx Information.

We are looking at Satan’s serpent race taking over, and they are enforcing the vaxx because that’s how Satan is getting the “iron” (graphene nanoparticles) injected inside the “clay” (human host body) to build a new AI integrated race off of the original human race platform.

They don’t care who dies, the goal is you assimilate or you die.

The next step of Satan’s agenda is to require everyone to get the RFID microchip mark of the beast that will be required to buy, sell, and trade goods. The graphene nanotech in the vaxx links up to the RFID microchip to create an intranet network within your host body that can hook you up to the 5G towers wirelessly.

Welcome to Satan’s New World Order. Turn to Christ before it’s too late.

Dear Members or Friends, True Disciples or Leaders and Rulers Lord Jesus' first disciples included His apostles. But they were not the last disciples, for He trained them to train others. "Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus our King did not say, "Make believers." A person may have some sort of belief, but never become a disciple. Our King Jesus does not say, "Make worshipers." People may give prayers and offerings without being disciples. All disciples believe and worship, but not all 'believers' and 'worshipers' are disciples. Our savior and King Jesus commands, "Make disciples." That term, as commonly used at that time, means, "Train learners who are committed to following their Teacher's instruction and example." Lord and our healer Jesus reinforces the meaning of continuing learning by saying, "...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Some refer to Matthew 28:20 as the second half of the Great Commission. It may be more difficult to fulfill, but it is essential for spiritual health as you "grow up in your salvation." Hearing and obeying Christ our Lord and Savior, these are like air to the disciple. To stop breathing that air is to cease being a disciple. INTRODUCTION AND TESTIMONY Grace Kingdom Ministry international(G.K.M.I) was birthed in 2011 December in Buru Buru Phase 5 ,Nairobi,Kenya when the founder or Visionary Pastor Stephen Olita met the Lord Jesus Christ and gave him a vision of the Kingdom of God, to preach the Kingdom of God to all Nations Mathew 24:14 and to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ as we to raise leaders in Africa starting with Kenya, Africa and the Whole world. Acts 28:31, Philippians 4:13. Grace kingdom ministry international is a Church, Leadership and Humanitarian organization with it headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya in Kiambiu Slum in Buru Buru phase one on outering road. We are mandated to address both spiritual, mental or emotional and physical needs for the oppressed people in our society including Widows, Orphans and disables, James 1:26-27.We have seen and we are still seeing all kinds of crimes, Sexual abuse, murder,prostitution,adultery,rape,gang warfare Galatians 5:16-26 in our streets taking toll on our people especially targeting our young People with drugs and drug dealers are influencing our youth or our young People. Now is our responsibility as a Church to invest all our efforts into Sports, Business, Arts,Films and Music, Talents, Skills and gifts search and to bring our young People out of crime in our streets to our Lord Jesus Christ and to know Him better through these activities so they can discover their Purpose, Passion, Potential and their destiny which is a hope and a future. OUR VISION-Transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agent of change (Raising Leaders and Rulers, shaping vision, influencing society and culture through Christ).Philippians 4:13 OUR MISSION-Preaching the kingdom of God, Teaching about Lord Jesus Christ and saving the lost at any cost. Mathew 24:14 Our Church as Leadership organization is mandated to train and raise over 3 Billions disciples or Leaders in Nairobi, Kenya ,the whole Africa and the whole world between now 2018 to 2035 and beyond. These trained Leaders will in return train others Disciples close to over 3 Billion and these circles of Multiplication goes on and on by grace and will or mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ as we preach the kingdom of God and teaching about Lord Jesus Christ as we follow His instruction to fulfill the great commission in Mathew 28:18-20.This is the main core of our vision and mission of our organization and we are looking for resources to fulfill this goal and plan from our Partners and well wishers around the World including you and others. SUBJECT:KENYA,AFRICA and The WHOLE WORLD are IN NEED OF YOU.Take action now.Don't watch things happening.make a difference. WE Grace Kingdom Ministry International(G.K.M.I),WE are trying to plant our over 11 Churches and Orphanages(James 1:26-27) in Kenya,Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,SouthAfrica,Tanzania,DRC Congo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab),Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North) , Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia for the Glory of GOD to fulfill the Great Commission Mandate in MATHEW 28:18-20,Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts 12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13.

Our vision and Mission is focused beyond 2035 if we will be alive by that time but if not we are planning it now for the generation now and the coming new future generation. As per below stated, We have two phases,Phase one is for Kenya to raise over 20 million leaders and Phase Two is the whole of Africa and the whole world to raise over 3 Billion leaders from now to 2035 and beyond. We believe we will fulfill this great commission by reaching out to the whole World or Nations by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as He commanded us to preach in Mathew 24:14 and Mathew 28:18-20 if these resources are met as suggested. We have targeted to raise over USD 7 Million to plants or build the following Churches in Nairobi and the whole Kenya ,Africa and the whole world namely,Eastleigh,South B and C and along Ngong road ,Kibera area,Eastern province in ThikaMakongeni, Nyatta plateau,Machakos,Nakuru,Kitale,Kisii,HomaBay,Migori,Kuria Land,Kisumu,Siaya,Busia, Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,South Africa,Tanzania,DRCCongo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab), Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North),Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA. These Churches will include all the necessary facilities and resources for training Leaders or Disciples with also centers for feeding for the orphans and other vulnerable Children. Our own Radio ,TV station,Books,Publishing Company, Print Media,Universities, Holy Bible Colleges and institutes,Banks,Media centers and institutes for music and film making, Hotels resorts and Business buildings. and other systems of influence for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13,Galatians 3:14,26-29. Any support to help us raise the needed funds as mentioned in the above for the planting or building of these Churches in Nairobi ,Kenya,Africa and the Whole world as explained in the above will be will be honored and appreciated for the sake of saving souls for the kingdom of God to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mathew 28:18-20. WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37. The following are our Church Bank details. Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank Swift Code:KCBKENX Bank Code:100 Branch Code:0107 ACCOUNT NUMBER:1253041768. Also you can use Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram addressed to Stephen Olita,+254722761587,,, also do send me the copy of the Bank Slip to enable me access the Money and do the will of GOD.James 1:26-27 New International Version (Niv),Luke 6:38,2 Corinthians 9:5-15. SEE WHAT THE GLORY OR GRACE OF GOD HAS DONE. THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD PARTNER WITH US AND DONATE ANY RESOURCES INCLUDING MONEY. Contact me for more information Pastor Stephen Olita,+254722761587,+254734939308 or email,, With regards Pastor Stephen Olita For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254722761587,+254734939308,, For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or,, For Kingdom of God Preaching’s and Teachings Series in Relationship,Equipping,Attitude and Leadership(R.E.A.L) Ask for them in Series in Books,Tapes,Audios,Videos,DVD’s,CD’sVCD’s,MP3’s,MP4’s and in Flash disks. Please call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or Email us:,,




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