KINGDOM OF GOD, The Holy and Obedient Family (Part 4), The Fashion Show From Hell! What it All Means Now Uncovered,PART 13

The Fashion Show From Hell! What it All Means Now Uncovered
FEATURED VIDEO: Mission Impossible & Fashion show… The Helmet designer ??
Description: It is SOOOOOOOO In our face it is a Joke at this point … High Fashion is something else !!! LOL
“I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” – Exodus 20:2 (KJV Holy Bible)
Why would Madonna wear a pyramid of Egypt on her jacket?
Most people don’t understand that we are right now spiritually trapped and living in Ancient Egypt, but it is the greatest illusion ever. (See: The Serpent Race Has Enslaved God’s Children Here in Spiritual Egypt! I Will Bring U Up Out of Egypt)
How is it possible that we are spiritually trapped in an illusion?
Look at the second commandment of the LORD God:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness H8544 of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:” – Exodus 20:3-4 (KJV Holy Bible)
Likeness H8544 means something portioned (that is, fashioned) out, as a shape, that is, (indefinitely) phantom, or (specifically) embodiment.
WOW! In Exodus 20, the LORD is commanding for us to not make phantom embodiments (aka. host bodies, flesh human bodies)!
That’s exactly what God H430 elohiym (angels) did in Genesis 1!
“So God created man in his own image H6754, in the image H6754 of God created he him; male and female created he them.” – Genesis 1:27 (KJV Holy Bible)
Image H6754 meaning to shade; a phantom, that is, (figuratively) illusion, resemblance; hence a representative figure, especially an idol: – image, vain shew.
This proves that the host body system – both male and female – is a vain show, illusion, phantom, especially an idol!
In heaven there is no more male and female:
“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3: 27-28 (KJV Holy Bible)
“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” – Matthew 22:30 (KJV Holy Bible)
The LORD has given Jonathan the ability to see the uncovered spiritual truth behind the new designs of these clothing brands that are coming out!
We’re going to go through some of the clothing brands and have a little “fashion show” exposing the truth behind this outward manifestation of the spiritual war – it’s everywhere around us!
PLEASE NOTE: There are too many clothing examples to put it all in one article, so make sure you open the following links in a new window to see all of the clothing images in the show-notes gallery while you continue to read and follow along.
Album-5 Movie-Insects
Back to the headline image showing Katy Perry with friends. She’s wearing the all-seeing eye and there’s a mouth right where her vagina is. What would that suggest?
That would suggest that the all-seeing eye entity is eating whatever goes in her vagina.
The girl who is holding onto Katy’s arm has the Devil on her chest and a face of a person on her crotch.
The other girl has “HELL” written on her chest and “YES” written on her crotch.
By simply looking at their clothing we can see that the Devil is watching via the all-seeing eye and is eating/consuming/sending to hell, whatever goes in their vaginas.
It couldn’t be more obvious – but what do other clothing brands and apparel show us? Could it even be remotely possible that various un-related clothing brands could communicate the same agenda?
Moving on with our “fashion show”, have a look at these designer shoes by Chiara Ferragni:
Why is one eye open, and one eye closed – winking?
Remember what the Bible says:
“Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.” – Psalm 35:19 (KJV Holy Bible)
Now is a good time to see: Why Do Celebrities Keep Winking and Sticking Out Their Tongue? – Solved.
Hmm.. so we learn from this scripture that the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ manifest by winking with the eye? Isn’t Satan (the Devil) the enemy of The Lord Jesus Christ?…
They are not hiding it anymore – they are putting who they are right on their clothes!
Whenever you see brand logos such as COCO Chanel, GUCCI, or the variety of others out there that display two semi-circles or circles that are interlocking – that geometric symbology represents the biological fertilized egg, the intersection of the female pronuclei with the male pronuclei.
Look closely at this microscopic slide showing the intersection of the female pronuclei with the male pronuclei.
It’s the same as what is being depicted by these clothing brand logos! Two interlocking circles!
Now is a great time to see an even more detailed revelation explaining the two interlocking circles (aka. the vesica piscis symbology) in COCO Chanel and Versace Commercials Reveal Truth About Sex in the Garden of Eden.
Here are two more examples for our fashion show depicting the vesica piscis, two seeds intersecting:
Notice the circular band surrounding the fertilized egg in this diagram? Is that the ouroboros?!?
See the head of the serpent eating its own tail? That’s an ouroboros! WOW!
We’re looking at the microscopic level of a female fertilized egg with an ouroboros wrapped around it!
And there it is on Obey clothing!!!
This Obey t-shirt has an ouroboros, a serpent eating its own tail – representing the self-cannibalizing flesh host body system that originated in the Garden of Eden. (See: The Devil Impregnated Eve With Cain, Starting the Satanic Government – ‘The Deed: Eve & Adam Plus Serpent Equals Cain’ [Documentary]).
The 5-pointed star both upside down and right side up, within the ouroboros, represents an angel light being caught in the male and female flesh system, who is being destroyed due to the opposing energies.
There is a spark of life when a sperm fertilizes the female egg.
Here is a photo of the sunrise – notice anything?
They are identical! A new world is created when a sperm fertilizes the female egg and ‘life’ here on earth begins.
They are not hiding it anymore – they are putting who they are right on their clothes!
Wow – the New World Girl Order – it’s the female energy that is taking over the host body system! In the end, a woman shall compass a man.
“How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.” – Jeremiah 31:22 (KJV Holy Bible)
“Go Class of 19” Remember in the Bible, 19 = Slaughter. Now it makes sense why they show skeletons because the new girl order is slaughtering God’s children through sin and rebellion against the LORD God.
Continuing with the fashion show:
Remember, we learned from Genesis 1 that host bodies are an illusion – this whole host body system is a dream that don’t last!
See the chains in the shape of an X? They even have waves at the bottom of the design, like DNA. (See: DNA ‘Chains of Darkness’ Keep Us Locked into This Dimension).
Again, the whole thing is a dream – Genesis 1, ‘Let us make man in our image H6754 illusion’!
A LOST CAUSE – Vanity mirror reflection.
Your own mirror reflection is vanity and your death. We’re light beings (angels), we got trapped in a shade, phantom, illusion!
BROKEN PROMISES – Why is there is a cobra snake surrounded by females?
Satan is the serpent in the Bible and he used the female as bait to hunt God’s angels to trap and transmute their light energy in human bodies! Satan promised us we can be as gods, but he broke his promise – BROKEN PROMISES!
The reality is that Satan (the serpent) is hunting God’s angels through the host body system to transmute their energy into a locust in the pit!
SWIXXZ – Notice the barbed wire? Why would you wrap yourself in barbed wire? That would not be very comfy for sweatpants.
SWIXXZ Entangled made sweatpants designed with barbed wire because XX (represents the female chromosome set, feminine energy) and we are entangled in their host body system trap.
OBEY WORLDWIDE – Two crosses in the shapes of nails.
What you think is just an innocent butterfly is really symbology representing what’s happening in the pit.
Butterflies have stages to their life cycle: egg, caterpillar, larva, pupa, and finally butterfly. Satan’s locust-scorpions that are in the pit have similar stages and they are using the butterfly to represent the final stage of the insect when it grows its wings to emerge as a full-grown locust-scorpion out of the pit!
The pit is about to open up and Satan’s insect race of locust-scorpions is going to emerge!
That’s why we keep seeing the butterfly symbology everywhere, like this hoodie for example:
‘Change comes from within’ – can you say TRANSMUTATION?!?
(See: The Locust Mystery Has Been Solved: Lucifer, Venus, and The Female Rival).
It’s extremely important to be aware of these two clothing lines (linked below). Their hidden meaning (that has now been unveiled) will explain what is truly happening to the human race from the spiritual realm into the physical.
The Rap Star YG’s New Clothing Line is Absolutely Horrifying!
Parents Beware of Celine Dion’s New Gender-Neutral Clothing Brand for Your Children!
Dear Members or Friends,
True Disciples or Leaders and Rulers
Lord Jesus' first disciples included His apostles. But they were not the last disciples, for He trained them to train others.
"Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20).
Jesus our King did not say, "Make believers." A person may have some sort of belief, but never become a disciple. Our King Jesus does not say, "Make worshipers." People may give prayers and offerings without being disciples. All disciples believe and worship, but not all 'believers' and 'worshipers' are disciples. Our savior and King Jesus commands, "Make disciples." That term, as commonly used at that time, means, "Train learners who are committed to following their Teacher's instruction and example." Lord and our healer Jesus reinforces the meaning of continuing learning by saying, "...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Some refer to Matthew 28:20 as the second half of the Great Commission. It may be more difficult to fulfill, but it is essential for spiritual health as you "grow up in your salvation." Hearing and obeying Christ our Lord and Savior, these are like air to the disciple. To stop breathing that air is to cease being a disciple.

Grace Kingdom Ministry international(G.K.M.I) was birthed in 2011 December in Buru Buru Phase 5 ,Nairobi,Kenya when the founder or Visionary Pastor Stephen Olita met the Lord Jesus Christ and gave him a vision of the Kingdom of God, to preach the Kingdom of God to all Nations Mathew 24:14 and to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ as we to raise leaders in Africa starting with Kenya, Africa and the Whole world. Acts 28:31, Philippians 4:13.
Grace kingdom ministry international is a Church, Leadership and Humanitarian organization with it headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya in Kiambiu Slum in Buru Buru phase one on outering road. We are mandated to address both spiritual, mental or emotional and physical needs for the oppressed people in our society including Widows, Orphans and disables, James 1:26-27.
We have seen and we are still seeing all kinds of crimes, Sexual abuse, murder,prostitution,adultery,rape,gang warfare Galatians 5:16-26 in our streets taking toll on our people especially targeting our young People with drugs and drug dealers are influencing our youth or our young People. Now is our responsibility as a Church to invest all our efforts into Sports, Business, Arts, Films and Music, Talents, Skills and gifts search and to bring our young People out of crime in our streets to our Lord Jesus Christ and to know Him better through these activities so they can discover their Purpose, Passion, Potential and their destiny which is a hope and a future.
OUR VISION-Transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agent of change (Raising Leaders and Rulers, shaping vision, influencing society and culture through Christ).Philippians 4:13
OUR MISSION-Preaching the kingdom of God, Teaching about Lord Jesus Christ and saving the lost at any cost. Mathew 24:14
Our Church as Leadership organization is mandated to train and raise over 3 Billions disciples or Leaders in Nairobi, Kenya ,the whole Africa and the whole world between now 2019 to 2035 and beyond. These trained Leaders will in return train others Disciples close to over 3 Billion and these circles of Multiplication goes on and on by grace and will or mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ as we preach the kingdom of God and teaching about Lord Jesus Christ as we follow His instruction to fulfill the great commission in Mathew 28:18-20.This is the main core of our vision and mission of our organization and we are looking for resources to fulfill this goal and plan from our Partners and well-wishers around the World including you and others.
SUBJECT:KENYA,AFRICA and The WHOLE WORLD are IN NEED OF YOU.Take action now.Don't watch things happening.make a difference.
WE Grace Kingdom Ministry International(G.K.M.I),WE are trying
to plant our over 11 Churches and Orphanages(James 1:26-27) in Kenya,Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,SouthAfrica,Tanzania,DRCCongo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab),Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North) , Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA for the Glory of GOD to fulfill the Great Commission Mandate in MATHEW 28:18-20 at a cost of over USD 7 Million.Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts 12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13.
Our vision and Mission is focused beyond 2035 if we will be alive by that time but if not we are planning it now for the generation now and the coming new future generation. As per below stated, We have two phases,Phase one is for Kenya to raise over 20 million leaders and Phase Two is the whole of Africa and the whole world to raise over 3 Billion leaders from now to 2035 and beyond. We believe we will fulfill this great commission by reaching out to the whole World or Nations by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as He commanded us to preach in Mathew 24:14 and Mathew 28:18-20 if these resources are met as suggested.
We have targeted to raise over USD 7 Million to plants or build the following Churches in Nairobi and the whole Kenya ,Africa and the whole world namely,Eastleigh,South B and C and along Ngong road ,Kiberaarea,Eastern province in ThikaMakongeni, Nyattaplateau,Machakos,Nakuru,Kitale,Kisii,HomaBay,Migori,KuriaLand,Kisumu,Siaya,Busia, Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,SouthAfrica,Tanzania,DRCCongo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab), Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North),Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA. These Churches will include all the necessary facilities and resources for training Leaders or Disciples with also centers for feeding for the orphans and other vulnerable Children. Our own Radio ,TV station,Books,Publishing Company, Print Media, Universities, Holy Bible Colleges and institutes,Banks,Mediacenters and institutes for music and film making, Hotels resorts and Business buildings. and other systems of influence for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13,Galatians 3:14,26-29.
Any support to help us raise the needed funds as mentioned in the above for the planting or building of these Churches in Nairobi ,Kenya, Africa and the Whole world as explained in the above will be will be honored and appreciated for the sake of saving souls for the kingdom of God to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mathew 28:18-20.
WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37.
The following are our Church Bank details.
Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank
Swift Code:KCBKENX
Bank Code:100
Branch Code:0107
ACCOUNT NUMBER:1253041768.
Also you can use Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram addressed to Stephen Olita,+254722761587,,, also do send me the copy of the Bank Slip to enable me access the Money and do the will of GOD. James 1:26-27 New International Version (Niv),Luke 6:38,2 Corinthians 9:5-15.
Contact me for more information Pastor Stephen Olita,+254722761587,+254734939308 or email,,
With regards
Pastor Stephen Olita
For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or,,
For Kingdom of God Preaching’s and Teachings Series in Relationship,Equipping,Attitude and Leadership(R.E.A.L) Ask for them in Series in Books,Tapes,Audios,Videos,DVD’s,CD’sVCD’s,MP3’s,MP4’s and in Flash disks. Please call +254722761587,+254734939308 Or Email us:,,