
World War 3 is at Hand
Iran has made it known that whoever attacks its Nuclear sites, he will immediately send all its arsenal to annihilate Israel and all the Western Military bases.
As soon as Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, US President Joe Biden took the opportunity to send the newest and largest aircraft carrier Jerald Ford strike group to be stationed in the East Mediterranean to protect Israel. A week later, another aircraft carrier the Eisenhower strike group was sent to strengthen the defence of Israel.

The present situation in the Red Sea has seen the West (Chittim):-
1. US deploying aircraft Carrier fleets and
2. UK deploying warships to patrol the Red Sea.
At this moment, the West is constantly striking the Iranian bases in both Syria and Iraq.

Iran is surrounded by the invincible US Carrier fleets and UK warships and its annihilation looks certain.
Appointed time is at the End time
Dan 8:19 And he said, “Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the indignation; for at the appointed time the end shall be._
This appointed time which will start World War 3, is during the end time.
Dan 11:27b "...*for the end will still be at the appointed time*."
Start of World War 3
Dan 11:29-30 _At the time appointed he (Iran) shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.' For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved....-
Having been provoked by the aerial bombing of its nuclear and military sites, Iran will send its full arsenal to attack Israel and its allies (Western ships and military bases).

The US fleets will immediately annihilate the Iranian aerial attacks and this will be the appointed time to start of World War 3.
What must I do before World War 3?
Only our Lord Jesus can help us! Please read, understand and keep His words (esp. Mat 24 and Mat 25), which advise us to repent from unbelief and heresies (esp. Religious and denominational walls), worldliness, carnality, covetousness, lies and wickedness.
Put on the righteousness of Lord Jesus (esp. helping and caring for the poor and needy). Forgive and love one another as Lord Jesus had loved us.
The days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is" (Ephesians 5:17)
I hope to read from you very soon with positive response.
With regards
Pastor Stephen Olita,Grace Kingdom ministry INTL,Kenya Head office
WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37.
For free Kingdom Counseling and Prayers call +254718617587,+254734939308 Or email:pastorolita@gmail.com,gracekingdomministry@gmail.com,pastorolita@yahoo.com
