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The Royal Family (Part 2)- Study Note: Fatalism and Determinism

Writer's picture: pastorolitapastorolita

The Royal Family (Part 2)- Study Note: Fatalism and Determinism

Ancient Greeks in cities like Athens, Corinth and Ephesus believed in "Fate" (also given the personal name "Moira"). Fate was the unseen force, they said, that overruled even the gods. It had no purpose or direction, and kept all of life uncertain. It especially frustrated humans. Many Greek plays were called "tragedies" because of Fate's destructive nature.

Fatalism and Determinism

Whether given the name "Fate" or not, similar beliefs are common in the religions of the world. Pagan religions tell us that cruel gods, spirits and magical forces determine how people live and die.

Astrology sees human destiny determined in the stars. Materialists argue that humans evolve from, and depend on, accidents of blind chance. Harsh experience seems to confirm, for many, their sense of helplessness. They feel trapped by their family history, by poor circumstances, by bad habits, and finally by illness and death. Everything seems determined for them, hence the broader term, "determinism." Fatalism and determinism enslave billions of sufferers to despair. These people think that they have no real choices, and that nothing can change their misery.

Many bring determinism into their views of Christianity. Now they blame "God" instead of "Moira." They call Fate's method predestination.' Election' becomes a sad gamble. A lucky few (the elect or chosen ones) win eternally, but nearly all adults, children and babies lose. Unlike an impartial lottery, none of these losers has a choice or a chance. Each is like a robot made and programmed to lose, then to suffer for it eternally. Such fatalistic work, once attributed by pagans to their worst gods and demons, is now claimed as God's sovereign will.'

Have we learned nothing from Jesus? He assures us, "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father" (Jn 14:9). As we watch Jesus, we see the opposite of fatalism and determinism. He comes, not to condemn, but to rescue all the world (Jn 3:16). His Gospel calls "every creature" every person to be saved (Mk 16:15-16). "But," determinists argue, "People have no free will to accept or reject Jesus' call." Is it so easy to turn Jesus' call into such a cruel joke, or even a lie? Is His invitation really the opposite a hard door slammed shut in most faces? Jesus Himself treats people as if they all have free will: "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God" (Jn 7:17). "Whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life" (Rev 22:17).

The Source Of Evil "But," determinists reply, "People choose evil because God made them to choose it." Is it so easy to make God the author of every evil choice, every crime, and every brutal atrocity? Satan likes to paint God that way, making people think they have no real choice, no direct responsibility and no ability to resist temptation. He wants them to feel they must sin by God's decree (or by fate, or by heredity, or by evolution, or by evil spells any excuse will do). Scripture reveals the opposite, that God is the source of all goodness (light). He has nothing to do with sin (darkness). "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 Jn 1:5).

When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone.... Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (Jas 1:13,16-17).

Evil thoughts arise, not from God, but within our own hearts (Lk 6:45; Mt 15:19).

Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin (Jas 1:14-15).

Satan is the tempter. He tries to turn our desires against God (Gen 3:1-7; Lk 4:1-13; 2 Cor 11:3; 1 Th 3:5). God tries to persuade us to honor truth above our own desires (Gen 4:4-7; 6:3; Gal 5:17-26; Acts 17:4; 18:4; 2 Cor 5:11).

The Importance Of Choice Why does God not simply force us to follow Him? Because God wants us to respond to Him willingly. If we do only what we are forced to do, we are no different from created objects or animals or machines. God has plenty of those already. He created humans in a special way for a special purpose. He reveals to us that we are made in His image (Gen 1:26-27; 9:6; Jas 3:9). He also reveals that He gives us the ability to make choices (Dt 30:19; Jos 24:15,22; 2 Sam 24:12; Ps 119:30,173; Pr 1:20-31; 3:31; Jn 5:35; 7:17; Lk 10:42; Heb 11:24-26; Jas 4:4; Rev 22:17). With God's help, we can choose to love, to worship and to obey God. Love is not real love if it is forced. True love, worship and obedience come from willing hearts. (Ex 25:2; 35:21; Dt 4:29; 6:5; 8:2; 10:12; 11:13; 13:3; 15:10 ; 26:16; Jos 22:5; 1 Sa 12:24; Ps 9:1; 24:4; Mk 12:30; Rom 6:17; 10:10; 15:6; Eph 5:19; 6:6). That is why God gives us the gift of will or choice, so that our relationship with Him can be real.

Of course, people who can choose right can also choose wrong. As Creator, God gives us ability to choose. As Judge, He holds each person accountable for his or her choices (Eze 18:1-32; 33:12-20; Rom 5:12; 14:12; 2 Cor 5:10; Rev 2:23; 20:12-13). Sin has many terrible results, but it does not remove from the heart its God-given ability to make decisions. We know this because God urges all sinners, even the worst, to repent (Acts 17:30; 26:20; Lk 24:47; 1 Tim 1:15-16; Tit 2:11-12). He empowers that change.

"The wicked man... turns away from his sin and does what is just." (Read Eze 33:12-16 cf. Dt 4:25-31; 2 Ch 15:2; 33:1-13; Ps 19:7; 51:13; Eze 18:28; Jnh 3:1-10; Lk 15:1-20). When people change, God also changes His plan for them (Ex 32:14; Ps 106:45; Eze 3:17-21; 33:14-16; Jnh 3:10; 4:2; Jer 18:6-10; 26:3; Joel 2:13-14; Am 7:1-6). Scripture declares God's primary plan for all mankind: "The LORD is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made" (Ps 145:9). "God our Savior... wants all men to be saved" (1 Tim 2:3-4). Though many perish, they do so against God's desire (Eze 18:23,32; 33:11; 2 Pet 3:9). The Bible tells of God hardening sinners (Ex 4:21; Rom 9:17-18), but it also shows those people as fully involved by their own choices and actions (Ex 8:15,32; 9:17; Rom 9:32-33; 10:3; 11:20-23; Heb 3:8). To whom does God send "a powerful delusion"? To those who "delighted in wickedness." Why do they perish? "Because they refused to love the truth and so be saved" (2 Th 2:9-12). God, who gives us choice, also makes us eat the fruit of our choice (Pr 1:31). We must love the truth, or else be hardened by choosing error (Pr 28:14; Eph 4:19; 1 Tim 4:2; Heb 3:13).

Some people object to such freedom of will. They think God cannot have absolute power if humans have any power to choose. They fear that God's sovereignty is not complete if people can resist Him.

Is God Truly Sovereign? Does God rule over all creation? Does He have full freedom to do as He pleases? Is He, as Eph 1:11 says, the God "who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will"? To such questions the Bible answers, "Yes, absolutely!" (Ex 15:18; Dt 10:14,17; 1 Ch 29:10-12; 2 Ch 20:6; Job 9:1-12; 11:10; 42:2; Dan 4:35; Pr 16:1,9; Isa 14:24-27; 40:13-25; 43:13; Mt 10:29-30; 26:53; Jn 19:11; Rom 8:28; Eph 4:6; 1 Tim 6:15-16; Rev 1:5; 4:11; 5:13).

Yet the same Bible also describes people resisting God's purpose. Pharisees "rejected God's purpose for themselves" (Lk 7:30). Determinists show Judas as one who had no choice but to betray as prophesied (Jn 17:12; 13:21-30; 18:2-3; Acts 1:16). Judas actually exemplifies a person defying election.

Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!" He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray Him (Jn 6:70-71).

Jesus did not say, "I have chosen the Eleven." Jesus chose and appointed Judas as an apostle, one of the Twelve. Judas first accepted, then rejected, that divine choice and appointment made for him. Thus Scripture reveals that God created beings that have enough freedom to choose for Him or against Him. God did not make Judas sin. But God foresaw Judas' sin, and God worked it into His own plan for Jesus to die for sinners (including Judas, who could have repented as Peter did). Far from shaking God's sovereignty, Judas' challenge confirmed God's sovereignty. God obviously succeeds when He has no enemies. Far more impressive is the fact that God succeeds when enemies willfully oppose Him (Ps 2:1-12; 110:1-7; Acts 2:23; 4:24-28). God wins, not only through raw strength, but also through weakness (1 Cor 1:25; 2 Cor 13:4; P hp 2:6-8). Even now, He advances His cause by the "foolish" method of calling sinners through the Gospel (1 Cor 1:18-31; Mk 16:15-16; Col 1:23; 2 Th 2:14).

Does this open invitation, which men so easily reject, interfere with the fact of God's sovereignty? Again, the Gospel method confirms God's sovereignty. First, it shows that God does whatever He pleases, even if it seems self-limiting. Second, the Gospel shows God as so effective that He can work through weak "jars of clay" (2 Cor 4:7 cf. 2 Cor 12:9; 1 Cor 1:25-31). Third, the Gospel welcomes and exalts every person who truly recognizes in Christ the reign of God (Rom 2:7; 10:9; Heb 5:9). Fourth, it weeds out all who persist in rejecting His sovereignty (Mt 13:37-43; Lk 12:47; Mk 16:16; 2 Th 1:8; 1 Pet 4:17-18). The result is that heaven rings eternally with willing praise, not forced praise. How genuine and grateful is this worship, which rises from hearts moved by grace (Rev 7:9-10), not from mechanical response. Tho se who have been forgiven the most love the most (Lk 7:36-47).

How About You? Are you one of the chosen? If you are a fatalist, you are never quite sure. Fate has a way of playing very cruel jokes, making people think they are safe when they are not. When determinism pretends to be Christian,' it still offers no clear way to tell if your faith is real or counterfeit, if you are elected or deluded. In any case, nothing not you, not your faith, not even God Himself can change your destiny. Your only hope is to win heaven's lottery. Very few are that lucky. So your damnation is virtually assured if you believe in fatalism. On the other hand, if you believe in Christ, you can and should have full assurance (Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16; 10:19,22; 11:1).

He loves and seeks to save each person in the world (Lk 15:1-24; Jn 3:16; 8:12; 12:46; 17:21; Gen 12:3; 22:18; 26:4; Ps 145:9; Isa 49:6; Jnh 4:11; Acts 17:26-31). That means He loves and seeks you (Gal 2:20; 1 Tim 1:15-16).

He died to take away the sin of the entire world (Isa 53:6; Jn 1:9,29; 3:16-17; 4:42; 6:33; 11:51-52; 2 Cor 5:19; 1 Tim 2:4-6; 4:10; Tit 2:11; 1 Jn 2:2; 4:14). That means He takes away your sins.

He sends this Good News to every individual in every nation (Mt 22:10; 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16; Lk 24:47; Acts 1:8; 17:30; Col 1:6,23,28). That means He sends Good News to you.

His invitation is open to "anyone" (Jn 7:37-38; Mk 3:35; 8:35; 9:37; 9:40; Lk 15:4; 24:47; 1 Pet 3:10; Rev 3:20; 22:17; Isa 55:1). Therefore He invites you.

In all this He is totally impartial. "God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34-35 cf. Rom 2:11; 3:29-30; 10:12; Gal 2:6; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; 1 Peter 1:17). God's complete fairness means that any person, even you, can be acceptable to Him.

God's love reaches even the worst of sinners, and brings them safely home despite the worst of trials (1 Tim 1:12-17; 2 Tim 4:18; 1 Cor 1:8-9; 10:13; Php 1:6; 1 Th 5:23-24; 2 Th 3:3). Divine power and love can also save you completely (Heb 7:25).

Truly, "God is love!" (1 Jn 4:8). That simple fact renders fatalism false. God's love is so full, so sacrificial, so all encompassing, that He genuinely invites and empowers anyone willing to receive salvation. "If anyone chooses..." (Jn 7:17). "Anyone who wishes..." (Rev 22:17). Plain passages like these demolish fatalism and determinism. The Scriptures inspire trust, not in yourself, but in the God who calls you so clearly and so graciously. They instill confidence in the truth that God planned ahead or "predestined" in such a way as to include you. Like Paul, you can say with assurance, "the Son of God... loved me and gave Himself for me" (Gal 2:20); and, "Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness" (2 Tim 4

Dear Members or Friends, True Disciples or Leaders and Rulers

Lord Jesus' first disciples included His apostles. But they were not the last disciples, for He trained them to train others.

"Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Jesus our King did not say, "Make believers." A person may have some sort of belief, but never become a disciple. Our King Jesus does not say, "Make worshipers." People may give prayers and offerings without being disciples. All disciples believe and worship, but not all 'believers' and 'worshipers' are disciples. Our savior and King Jesus commands, "Make disciples." That term, as commonly used at that time, means, "Train learners who are committed to following their Teacher's instruction and example." Lord and our healer Jesus reinforces the meaning of continuing learning by saying, "...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Some refer to Matthew 28:20 as the second half of the Great Commission. It may be more difficult to fulfill, but it is essential for spiritual health as you "grow up in your salvation." Hearing and obeying Christ our Lord and Savior, these are like air to the disciple. To stop breathing that air is to cease being a disciple.


Grace Kingdom Ministry international(G.K.M.I) was birthed in 2011 December in Buru Buru Phase 5 ,Nairobi,Kenya when the founder or Visionary Pastor Stephen Olita met the Lord Jesus Christ and gave him a vision of the Kingdom of God, to preach the Kingdom of God to all Nations Mathew 24:14 and to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ as we to raise leaders in Africa starting with Kenya, Africa and the Whole world. Acts 28:31, Philippians 4:13.

Grace kingdom ministry international is a Church, Leadership and Humanitarian organization with it headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya in Kiambiu Slum in Buru Buru phase one on outering road. We are mandated to address both spiritual, mental or emotional and physical needs for the oppressed people in our society including Widows, Orphans and disables, James 1:26-27.

We have seen and we are still seeing all kinds of crimes, Sexual abuse, murder,prostitution,adultery,rape,gang warfare Galatians 5:16-26 in our streets taking toll on our people especially targeting our young People with drugs and drug dealers are influencing our youth or our young People. Now is our responsibility as a Church to invest all our efforts into Sports, Business, Arts, Films and Music, Talents, Skills and gifts search and to bring our young People out of crime in our streets to our Lord Jesus Christ and to know Him better through these activities so they can discover their Purpose, Passion, Potential and their destiny which is a hope and a future.

OUR VISION-Transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agent of change (Raising Leaders and Rulers, shaping vision, influencing society and culture through Christ).Philippians 4:13

OUR MISSION-Preaching the kingdom of God, Teaching about Lord Jesus Christ and saving the lost at any cost. Mathew 24:14

Our Church as Leadership organization is mandated to train and raise over 3 Billions disciples or Leaders in Nairobi, Kenya ,the whole Africa and the whole world between now 2019 to 2035 and beyond. These trained Leaders will in return train others Disciples close to over 3 Billion and these circles of Multiplication goes on and on by grace and will or mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ as we preach the kingdom of God and teaching about Lord Jesus Christ as we follow His instruction to fulfill the great commission in Mathew 28:18-20.This is the main core of our vision and mission of our organization and we are looking for resources to fulfill this goal and plan from our Partners and well-wishers around the World including you and others.

SUBJECT:KENYA,AFRICA and The WHOLE WORLD are IN NEED OF YOU.Take action now.Don't watch things happening.make a difference.

WE Grace Kingdom Ministry International(G.K.M.I),WE are trying to plant our over 11 Churches and Orphanages(James 1:26-27) in Kenya,Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,South Africa,Tanzania,DRC Congo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab),Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North) , Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA for the Glory of GOD to fulfill the Great Commission Mandate in MATHEW 28:18-20 at a cost of over USD 7 Million.Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts 12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13.

Our vision and Mission is focused beyond 2035 if we will be alive by that time but if not we are planning it now for the generation now and the coming new future generation. As per below stated, We have two phases,Phase one is for Kenya to raise over 20 million leaders and Phase Two is the whole of Africa and the whole world to raise over 3 Billion leaders from now to 2035 and beyond. We believe we will fulfill this great commission by reaching out to the whole World or Nations by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as He commanded us to preach in Mathew 24:14 and Mathew 28:18-20 if these resources are met as suggested.

We have targeted to raise over USD 7 Million to plants or build the following Churches in Nairobi and the whole Kenya ,Africa and the whole world namely,Eastleigh,South B and C and along Ngong road ,Kibera area,Eastern province in Thika Makongeni, Nyatta plateau,Machakos,Nakuru,Kitale,Kisii,Homa Bay,Migori,Kuria Land,Kisumu,Siaya,Busia, Malawi,India,Pakistan,Uganda,Ghana,South Africa,Tanzania,DRC Congo,Zimbabwe,Somali(al-Shabaab), Nigeria(Boko Haram), Sudan (South and North),Philippines,Haiti ,Zambia,Australia, Onalaska Washington State USA. These Churches will include all the necessary facilities and resources for training Leaders or Disciples with also centers for feeding for the orphans and other vulnerable Children. Our own Radio ,TV station,Books,Publishing Company, Print Media, Universities, Holy Bible Colleges and institutes,Banks,Media centers and institutes for music and film making, Hotels resorts and Business buildings. and other systems of influence for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8,Acts 9:31.Acts12;24,Acts 16:5,Revelation 2:9-10, Revelation 3:7-13,Galatians 3:14,26-29.

Any support to help us raise the needed funds as mentioned in the above for the planting or building of these Churches in Nairobi ,Kenya, Africa and the Whole world as explained in the above will be will be honored and appreciated for the sake of saving souls for the kingdom of God to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mathew 28:18-20.

WE need Partners, Holy Bibles, Financial Support, Lands in the Cities, Towns or Villages near you to do this worthy noble cause. Acts 4:28-37.

The following are our Church Bank details. Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank Swift Code:KCBKENX Bank Code:100 Branch Code:0107 ACCOUNT NUMBER:1253041768.

Also you can use Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram addressed to Stephen Olita,+254722761587,,, also do send me the copy of the Bank Slip to enable me access the Money and do the will of GOD. James 1:26-27 New International Version (Niv),Luke 6:38,2 Corinthians 9:5-15.


Contact me for more information Pastor Stephen Olita,+254722761587,+254734939308 or email,,

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